I'm Not Only a Filmmaker... I'm an Engineer

Time to figure out a plan on how I am going to build my set for the spaceship scene.

Figure A in the image will either be a large piece of fabric (to prevent any odd reflections from lighting) or a large piece of paper covering flat against a wall. This serves the purpose of supplying the closed end of the octagonal set. Figure B will actually be duplicated to create more depth in the structure and will be the wall panels to the side of the character (made with foam boards). Figure C will be a piece of paper to have my chosen color of the floor. I plan on the structure being white as in color psychology it represents coldness and emptiness, which reflects how science is sometimes perceived and the negative quality of being in space.

Considering the octagonal shape of the room, it is actually a quite humorous genre convention in disguise. This tumblr posting actually has an example of 13 different octagonal structures throughout different sci-fi films. I suppose rectangular rooms were too realistic and not "sci-fi" enough for them.


Usvsth3m. (2013, June 19). 13 octagonal corridors from science fiction... Retrieved from http://usvsth3m.tumblr.com/post/53361080361/13-octagonal-corridors-from-science-fiction
