Art Dump
This is a concept sketch of what the appearance of my main character will be. I have decided to name her Halley after Halley's Comet (kinda cheesy to name her after an astronomical body cause it's a sci-fi movie I know. If I can think of anything better I'll be sure to blog the changes. But for now, Halley it is!).
As mentioned in my blog post about the health effects, with my actress in mind, I have drawn her with abnormally pale skin. Possibly using some cooler toned makeup can also make her look tired and less lively.
Concerning costume design, as she is a teenager, she would be wearing just a regular t-shirt and some pants. The design of the t-shirt, however, will have the space mission she is set on. The mission will be known as S.O.S.I. , or rather, the Save Our Souls Initiative. Elaboration on this will be on the future storyboard posts to come up later this week!

And here is the glorious Firefly 7802! The name given is due to the design looking similar to that of a firefly. Another reason for the name is due to the fact that when I was little, I thought fireflies were actually shooting stars (no wonder my wishes of getting a dolphin for Christmas never came true). The solar panels are in a triangular form and are a great way to show in the design some logistics of the spacecraft in how it generates energy for such a long period of time (yay for renewable energy!).
I am very excited to actually execute these plans and see how they look in real life. See you soon with the physical versions of these!
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