Prop Shopping !

As I mentioned yesterday, the coronavirus thing is kind of freaking everyone out, so going shopping was kind of crazy (which we were worried about). Some of the shelves were completely empty (specifically the one for toilet paper?), luckily we weren't purchasing anything that was of high demand for anyone during this pandemic hysteria.
We planned to film a vlog while we were there, but it was honestly packed and we didn't feel good about filming there :/
I have sketched out a small display of items that I have as a sort of aimed-look for how we want the props we bought to be organized on set. As we had written down in our script, we wanted there to be a grand display of gifts and food to express the difference in lifestyles (We are planning on buying the food closer to filming day. I'm personally looking forward to finishing an entire birthday cake with Joey once we wrap).
I have sketched out a small display of items that I have as a sort of aimed-look for how we want the props we bought to be organized on set. As we had written down in our script, we wanted there to be a grand display of gifts and food to express the difference in lifestyles (We are planning on buying the food closer to filming day. I'm personally looking forward to finishing an entire birthday cake with Joey once we wrap).
We wanted there to be a MOUNTAIN of presents, and an assortment of gifts already opened, with wrapping paper and those weird squiggly bag fillers (image to the left, I actually don't know what they are called) scattered around the area.
With this display, we really want to emphasize the grandeur that our protagonist perceives at this child's birthday party as, as it is so different from what they are used to.
Let me just say, I haven't genuinely looked at any toy aisle with any particular interest since I was in 5th grade and I was absolutely ENTRANCED by the selection that was presented before me. I had so much difficulty restricting myself from getting more toys than we actually needed because man, they all looked so fun.
I don't know why I ever stopped purchasing toys. I guess technology replaced my need for entertainment from them, but I think I took them for granted. I will honestly keep these after we are done shooting, and give some to the actual kids acting in the film. I'm particularly looking forward to doing the Jurassic World activity set.
Anyways, with Joey's supervision, I was able to hold myself back from buying every toy there.
(Sidenote: I saw an "activity set" there that I actually found hilarious. It just said "paint tomato on a rock", and that was exactly what it was for. To just... paint a tomato... on a rock. It included a rock, a small paintbrush, white, red, and green paint. I do not know what would incline anyone to want to buy an activity set to paint a tomato on a rock but I found that really funny.)
These are just some random supplies we bought for the party that we didn't already have or we couldn't make on our own (how does on even make a balloon?).
And we bought a new set of crayons! For the scene in which the child is looking for a red crayon to use on the card, we'll have different pens and crayons on the table. I don't want the crayons to look new or anything (and I for sure broke ton of crayons upon a day of opening a new pack) so we'll be destroying them. I'm pretty excited about the crayon destruction process. We will definitely film that and put it up on the blog.
As for the party supplies, Joey's birthday is April 5th so we're gonna reuse them for his party! :-)
Joey and I, unfortunately, do not have the funds to actually buy a bunch of real gifts (and there is really is no need to do that) so we bought supplies to make some fake ones!
We will be using the bags and wrapped boxes (we will be recycling boxes from packages and food for the other gifts) to give the imitation that there is an abundance of gifts! A little movie magic.
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