Watching Children! (But Not in The Creepy Way)
I am totally aware of how the title of this post sounds, but, hear me out.

I must admit, I, like many others, have a phone problem. I often catch myself cycling through the same three social media apps, laying my eyes on an eye-catching photo or video for no more than 30 seconds, then diverting my short-lived gaze to the next. However, in times when I know I must divert my attention to anything other than my phone to think of ideas, I go on typically the most important part of my creative process: my idea walks.
Just as I pace from one end of my house to the other when I'm on the phone with my friend, I like to walk while having conversations with someone in real life too. Idea walks also enable me to take inspiration from my surroundings; sometimes the littlest thing can spark something in my mind that turns into a story.

I must admit, I, like many others, have a phone problem. I often catch myself cycling through the same three social media apps, laying my eyes on an eye-catching photo or video for no more than 30 seconds, then diverting my short-lived gaze to the next. However, in times when I know I must divert my attention to anything other than my phone to think of ideas, I go on typically the most important part of my creative process: my idea walks.
Just as I pace from one end of my house to the other when I'm on the phone with my friend, I like to walk while having conversations with someone in real life too. Idea walks also enable me to take inspiration from my surroundings; sometimes the littlest thing can spark something in my mind that turns into a story.
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